Welcome to Kensington United Reformed Church!

Kensington URC is in Allen Street, just off High Street Kensington in the historic Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, London.

The church family meets for worship at 11am every Sunday.

We come together for prayer and praise, to listen to God’s word and with God’s help to grow in faith and love as a Christian fellowship seeking to be of service to others. We also meet for Bible study and Prayer Meeting for Healing.

We welcome families. Children are an important part of the church and Sunday School and crèche are available each Sunday.

We are greatly enriched by being a diverse, multi-cultural congregation and seek to be a church where, in our faith journey together, different viewpoints may be expressed and respected. Our minister, The Revd Sally Massey Thomas, provides our pastoral team with the Elders.

Our mission is to open the church to our local community and our halls provide the opportunity to do this. The Small and Large halls with kitchen facilities are available for hire.

We are a part of the national United Reformed Church, which brought together English Presbyterians, Congregationalists and members of the Churches of Christ.

Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you can come and join us!


Prayers for Healing

Second Thursday of each month at 1pm.